801 S. Western

Location: Tri Taylor: Chicago, IL

Square Feet: 36,500 sf

Floors: 5 stories

Units: 36 apartments \\ 1 retail

Status: zoning change

This stagnant Tri Taylor site was in need of redevelopment from a used car lot into this modern new construction 5-story masonry building consisting of 36 apartments over a ground floor retail space and parking. With full alderman support, the transit oriented development easily received the necessary zoning change for the designed height and density. Particular care was given to the south neighbor setbacks along Western driving the design to incorporate setbacks for balconies, as well as providing outdoor space for each tenant. The building also contains ample bike parking and spacious lobby.

Furthermore, the energy star certification of the building ensures that it is energy-efficient for the tenant utility use. The inclusion of sustainable features in construction projects is essential in today's world, and this development sets an excellent example for future projects to follow.


